Benefits of the DDP Certification


A DDP is empowered to ...

  • make full use of state-of-the-art technological capabilities
  • take all dimensions into account relevant for a successful digital solution
  • evaluate the mutual influences and dependencies of the relevant dimensions
  • develop digital solutions from a holistic point of view

Digitalization requires new thinking

Today, digitalization has found its way into all avenues of our daily life as well as our business solutions. There is a huge difference between today’s approaches for developing typical software solutions and an optimal approach for truly digital solutions. For the latter you have to think outside the box, and as a Digital Designer you need to answer questions like: Which technology does exist? Which is relevant? Whom to consider for cooperation? How to anticipate a solution’s effect apart from its original purpose? How to foresee new business opportunities?
To answer such questions, the DDP education will give you a new way of thinking in your problem-solving process.


Digital is a shapeable material

As a DDP you do not just fulfil a task like “create a device with a touchscreen”. Instead you think “digital”. For you the world is much more than hardware and software. You see what people can do with it, like sharing moments with others. Beyond a mere means of communication, you will tap the full potential of usage and business models such as social media. You take full advantage of your holistic view by thinking business, humans and technology together: You understand digital as a shapeable material. As a DDP you craft with this material.


Take responsibility for the design of a digital solution

With your new Digital Design mindset, techniques and viewpoints in your pocket you will become a valuable player in the digital business. You know how to take responsibility for the design of a digital solution, and you know how to lead the building process from a design perspective.


Prove your qualification

The market needs these capabilities, be prepared! The DDP certificate documents your personal qualification for shaping the right and innovative digital solution.


With DDPs in their teams ...

  • companies make a clear statement about the high value that they put on digitalization
  • departments will be enabled to work together on a higher qualitative level
  • companies increase the probability that truly innovative digital solutions will be developed
  • companies highlight their expertise for innovative digital solutions

Get the best possible team

Certified Digital Design Professionals can maximize the benefits of digitalization projects for a company. Not only do they contribute their own Digital Design expertise, they also recognize the competences of colleagues, whom they can involve in the most efficient way – even if those are outside the traditional field of software development. As Digital Design Professionals, they also keep an eye on the economic, ethical and legal aspects when designing a digital solution.


Generate new business

Companies with Digital Design Professionals on board are in pole position when it comes to creating new business. Digital Design Professionals are not just trained to elicit and fulfil requirements - they have instead a holistic view of the opportunities and implications of a digital solution, including the new business models that may emerge. Even while working on existing projects, companies are equipped to recognize potential new business models, and are thus best positioned to win new projects.

What makes the DDP special?

The DDP education scheme combines a requirements-driven development with a design-focused development of digital solutions in order to identify and make use of the new technical capabilities.

Digital Design understands digital as a shapeable material, as digital material. This understanding goes beyond a pure technical understanding of digital technology and aims at an understanding of material similarly to industrial designers and building architects.

Digital Design means shaping digital solutions by having a holistic view on the technical capabilities and limitations of digital material, on the economic aspects and on the current or future needs of people.

Becoming a Digital Designer also means taking responsibility for the overall digital solution during the entire building process – from scoping through to the operation and the usage of the digital solution.

Added value in practice

Focus on:

Material Technologies

I’m a Full-Service Mobile Developer and Digital Design Professional

Focus on:

Material Technologies

As a freelancer in a digital marketing agency, I work mainly for small business customers and am responsible not only for the development but also, together with the customer, for app design. The DDP certificate has not, of course, turned me into a designer, but I do understand the specialist tasks in design much better now. I feel more able to involve fellow design freelancers in my projects, and in a more targeted way.

Focus on:

Innovation Management

I’m a Chief Digital Officer and Digital Design Professional

Focus on:

Innovation Management

Good ideas are wasted if they cannot be elaborated and presented in a rigorous manner. The DDP provides my employees with various tools that they, together with colleagues from the technical department, can use to shape, and then evaluate, the company's ideas. Future needs from the user perspective also drive new thinking and innovation.

Focus on:

Medical Research Institution

I’m a Physician and Digital Design Professional

Focus on:

Medical Research Institution

Just by chance during my medical studies I already took a course in Data Science, and gained some knowledge of AI programming. Now I am doing research with some colleagues on the potential of AI for diagnosing diseases. In our research we often work together with software developers. Through the DDP I have understood how complex the process of creating good digital solutions is. Now I understand my colleagues much better and our collaboration has also reached a new level.

Focus on:

Green Business Development

I’m a Startup Coach and Digital Design Professional

Focus on:

Green Business Development

My background is in Economics. The start-ups that approach us usually have a technical background and want to launch green technology to market. Through the DDP I have learned about the relationships between idea, technical implementation and profitability and am better able to identify specific opportunities - and also gaps - in the digital business ideas of our start-up partners.

#I'm a Digital Design Professional

Focus on

Material Technologies

I like the detailed explanation in the DDP education of the interaction between design and other activities in the development process.


Focus on

Innovation Management

I like the philosophy of collaboration. Digital solutions are often so complex and the right people have to be involved in the team.


Focus on

Medical Research Institution

For me the DDP is the perfect introduction to the development process for digital solutions.


Focus on

Green Business Development

I like the 10 principles of good Digital Design, especially the principle of sustainability.

Craft with Digital Material

Let's start your training!

Be inspired, learn to design digital solutions, become a Digital Designer and shape the digital future!

Let's start your journey

Be inspired

Curious to know what Digital Design is all about? Browse through our website and let the DDP certification scheme convince you of the added value it provides when working in the field of digitalization. Become an early adopter of the new Digital Design profession.

Learn to design digital solutions

As a non-profit organization, we provide the learning material for the DDP education for free download. You can prepare via a training course at a training provider or via self-study and learn how to successfully merge digital and analog in your digitalization projects.

Become a digital designer

Why not finish the DDP education with a certificate? Once you have learned the DDP contents, the exam is the logical way to follow up. The DDP certificate is the proof of your competence in Digital Design.

Shape the digital future

As certified Digital Design Professional you are capable of interweaving business, technology, and design to create valuable and innovative digital solutions.